Here's a
wonder drink that peps you up without being
intoxicated, revitalises your mind without
chemical stimulants and cures ailments
without drugs. After reviewing more than 500
references on traditional medicine and tea
sciences, 61 kinds of protective action and
20 kinds of medical effectiveness of tea
have been recorded.
Not only is tea a wholesome beverage, it
also has a quieting effect on the digestive
and nervous systems. Tea reduces
intemperance, provides cerebration and
stimulates the spine, the stomach and the
intestine. It is also said to enhance
memory, relieve fatigue and restore mental
equilibrium. Some recent findings about the
constituents of tea make it a marketing
man's dream. His new slogan might well be :
A cup full of tea a day, Keeps the doctor
Mentioned below are some of the beneficial
actions of tea.
Catechines in tea lower triglyceride and
cholesterol in blood, prevent
atherosclerosis, reduce the incidence of
cancer and oxidation by active oxygen,
inhibit rise of blood sugar, lower chances
of mutations, kill dental caries and
influenza virus, have anti-amoebic and
anti-bacterial properties and prevent
Caffeine acts as a diuretic and CNS
stimulant, and provides relief from
neuralgia and headaches. Apart from this,
tea has anti-oxidant effect. A new
anti-coagulating compound has been obtained
from tea leaves and tea extracts are used to
scavenge ascorbyl radical intensity.
Dr. John Weisburger, Director Emeritus,
American Health Foundation says
research shows tea contains specific
antioxidants & health promoting ingredients,
lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke &
certain types of cancer like oral,
pancreatic and prostrate. |
In addition
to Dr. Weisburgers observations,
over a 100 scientific research
papers produced over the last
decade shows that Tea provides
immense health benefits.
All of us know that Tea has
always been a rejuvenating,
relaxing, natural and healthy
beverage, known to have
therapeutic benefits which were
utilised even in the ancient
ages, to treat common ailments.
Today, Tea forms an integral
part of the modern healthy
lifestyle, which comprises a
balanced diet, combined with a
regular exercise routine. Read
on to find out how Tea helps you
lead a healthier life. |
Antioxidants ..... the Wealth of
Extensive research & studies
have revealed that Tea is one of
the richest sources of
Antioxidants. These
Antioxidants, as scientists
agree, are found in Tea in the
form of Polyphenols.
Antioxidants are compounds that
help the body detoxify harmful
excess free radicals. These free
radicals are molecules, which
occur naturally in the body.
However, excess amounts (caused
by excessive sunlight exposure,
pollution, smoking, etc.) have
been associated with an
increased risk of major
Antioxidants have the ability to
combat their adverse effects by
neutralizing their production
and thus protecting cells from
the normal, but damaging
physiological process known as
oxidative stress.
There is scientific evidence to
prove that Antioxidants promote
heart health, prevent Cancer,
help combat and guard against
most disease like Diabetes,
Blood pressure, Tumor,
Ulceration, Inflamation,
Intestinal problems, Dental
decay and a lot more.
Tea, Fruits & Vegetables are
known to be the richest sources
of Antioxidants, where Tea tops
the list in its richness.
Antioxidants activity produced
in Tea is greater than 22 fruits
and vegetables. Some of the
examples are given below : |
Antioxidant Capacity of
Tea & Common Vegetables |
Black Tea |
Green Tea |
814+/(-) 30
Spinach |
129 +/(-) 6
Beets |
81 +/(-) 25
Leaf Lettuce |
49 +/(-) 7
Cauliflower |
46 +/(-) 11
Garlic |
46 +/(-) 9
Onion |
40 +/(-) 2
Cabbage |
32 +/(-) 2
Carrot |
26 +/(-) 8
Corn |
22 +/(-) 4
Potato |
15 +/(-) 5
Cucumber |
15 +/(-) 2
Sweet Potato |
14 +/(-) 2 |
Ref : ACao G,
Sofic E, Prior RL (1996) :
Antioxidant capacity of Tea &
Common Vegetables, J. Agric Food
Chem, Vol 44 , No. 11.3427
All varieties of Tea come from
the Camellia Sinensis plant.
Different methods of processing
result in the formation of
different colours of Tea i.e.
Black and Green. Research shows
that all the health benefits are
same in both kinds of Tea.
A Healthy
Heart with Tea
Flavonoids in Tea prevent the
oxidation of LDL cholesterol,
thereby reducing the risk of
heart diseases.
prevents Cancer
Polyphenolic Antioxidants in Tea
lower the risk of different
types of Cancer(lung,
fore-stomach, esophagus,
duodenum, pancreas, liver,
breast and colon)
clear of Common Ailments
Calcium in your daily cup of Tea
help develop stong muscles.
Antioxidants in Tea help prevent
chornic ailments like Gastric
ulcer, Blood sugar, Blood
pressure, Tumors and intestinal
for oral health
As tea is tooth-friendly, it
protects the teeth from caries
thereby preventing tooth decay.
Theaflavins in Tea play a
prominent role in the inhibition
of Plaque-formation.
Keeping the immense health
benefits in mind, one must
resolve to consume much more Tea
than what one has consumed in
the past.
In fact, Dr. Weisburger has
suggested an intake of up to 10
cups of Tea per day, which may
be a useful dietary habit. Tea
can be prepared with or without
milk & sugar as per one's taste.
So make it a point to drink more
Tea because it is the mantra to
your fitness, well-being and
good health. |